Method for determining whether grease used for processing self-lubricating bearings has deteriorated


Whether the grease is deteriorating needs to be determined by laboratory analysis. If laboratory equipment and laboratory technicians are not available, the inspection and judgment can be made by the technicians of the relevant grease manufacturer. Next, by the small series of Hangzhou self-lubricating bearings to explain the method of judging whether the grease used for processing self-lubricating bearings has deteriorated, I hope it can be helpful to you.


Hangzhou self-lubricating bearings


1, the color turns black, indicating oxidation metamorphism. If only the surface layer discoloration, you can scrape off the surface layer and still use it as usual. To check for changes in pH, drop a small amount of oil using a phenolphthalein indicator, mix it evenly and twist it with your fingers. If it turns red, it means the oil remains alkaline. If the color does not change, it means that the grease has become acidic. In general, acid greases cannot be used on expensive equipment to avoid corrosion, but can be used at a lower standard and on rougher equipment that is not susceptible to corrosion.


2, the formation of film on the surface is also the phenomenon of oxidation, especially the oil made with dry vegetable oil prone to this phenomenon, the treatment method is the same as the above.


3. Oil separation shows that the stability of the colloid has been destroyed. In the case of slight oil separation, the surface oil can be removed and most of the rest can still be used. However, please try not to use it in high temperature and high load parts. Do not use products with heavy oil separation.


4, due to the absorption of water or rain leakage, grease is easy to emulsify on the surface. If the emulsified and spoiled parts are completely removed, the rest can still be used. When emulsification is severe, the remainder may contain more than the standard amount. This can be judged by the color. The more water, the lighter the color of the oil, and the darker the gloss and transparency.


5. One of the reasons for thinning of grease is that the storage temperature is too high or the consistency cannot be restored. Another reason is that the pH value changes (check with phenolphthalein indicator).


6. One of the reasons for the hardening of grease is caused by long-term freezing. This allows it to be stored at a slightly higher room temperature (e.g., 30-40°C) for a period of time to return to its original state. In this case, overheated heaters should not be used. Some of the hardening of fat is due to the properties of fat itself. For example, synthetic calcium-based greases tend to harden in winter. As long as it does not affect the use, there is no need for the above insulation treatment, only the appropriate mixing can be required.


The above six points are all the content of the method to determine whether the grease used for processing self-lubricating bearings has deteriorated. Thank you for your understanding and support!


Post time: Mar-16-2021